News - 07.10.2021

Solder Wave Pallet Material Comparison

See our material comparison below. This will help you understand why Datum DCP performs better during the machining and solder wave process than other forms of solder wave pallet material.

Datum Solder Pallet Material
Datum News

Datum DCP Solder Wave Pallet Material

Datum DCP Solder Wave Pallet Material

  • Datum DCP has been developed to optimise your wave pallet performance
  • Pressed fibre material enables excellent machinability and less dust resulting in longer tool life
  • Less susceptible to chipping or feature breaks
  • Can be machined/milled down to a 1mm wall and floor thickness
  • Small fibre composition prevents warping expansion / contraction
    from extreme temperature fluctuations
  • Fast cooling cycle – Easier to clean
  • Smooth finish causes the flux to roll off the surface, requiring less
    cleaning and no harsh cleaning agents result in increased pallet life cycle
  • Black and grey colour types – For CNC optical recognition
  • Thicknesses from 2mm to 12mm
  • Wide variety of sizes and thicknesses in stock – Bespoke sizes to order

Non Datum Solder Wave Pallet Material

Non Datum Solder Wave Pallet Material

  • Larger fibres or layered fibres are often susceptible to chipping during use and the machining process
  • Harder to machine, more dust resulting in shorter tool life
  • Features are not as defined
  • Wall thickness needs to remain thicker to stop breaks
  • Large fibre composition often results in warping when the boards expand and contract during temperature fluctuations
  • Rough finish due to the large fibres allows flux to impregnate the board making it harder to clean. Flux in the board will cause it to deteriorate quicker and in turn will need to be replaced sooner

Save yourself, time, money and increase productivity. Buy Datum.